Monday, April 26, 2010

Amanuensis Monday

John Newmark at TranslyvaniaDutch has started this Monday prompt.  For those of you new to this the definition of Amanuensis is: one employed to write from dictation or to copy manuscripts. 

My transcription this Monday is a letter written by my gtgrand father James E. Wise (1854-1904).  The "voice" I hear in this letter is one of love and affection from James for his family.  Also interesting was the glimpse into James' occupation.  He was apparently a procurer of cheese and eggs, at least on this particular trip. (There is no punctuation or appropriate capitalization in the letter so I am inserting periods where I think appropriate)

Riverton, Iowa, 7-11  1901
Folks at Home. I have just got to this place,  got my chees from Depot.  got Supper and have afew minutes to get this letter off.  I have finished up about 2000# I find this lot melted down in bad shape don't think I can do much here but probale will clean up what Frank will send me by Sat eve.   I find that I made no bad deals the other trip. I have been watching the egg market. find white giving less than 6¢ for them and Six at some places I am afraid you will go low on them.  Break them down to six ¢.  I never seen such weather. crops are all going to burn up in this county. all gone in Kansas.  I think I will get in Sat eve. Hay is not keeping up this trip. got a fill on new hay and to much water .  Wind is all right think she will be all right in the morning.  Well I will close.  Hope you are ok on every thing.

Your Father, J.E.

Tell Albert and my girl I will bring 5¢ each when I get home and probale will get enough out of this trip to give my wife a penny.

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